To Students of Silk Road School Information about Silk Road School
A Delegation Led by the Vice President of the University of Sussex to ZJSU

On May 20th, the delegation led by Kate O’ Riordan, the Vice President of the University of Sussex visited ZJSU. President Wang Yonggui met with the delegation, with Vice President Zhao Yingjun and directors from relevant departments.

After a warm welcome for the delegation, Wang acknowledged the sustaining and close cooperation, bettering talent-training quality, and fruitful outcomes achieved, since the establishment of the Sussex Artificial Intelligence Institute of ZJSU. Moreover, further and deeper cooperation, and ongoing efforts into cooperative talent-training quality and the application of doctoral programs are expected, in order to forge cooperative ideals for Sino-British joint education and to open the window for people-to-people exchanges.

Kate O’ Riordan then expressed the great importance the University has attached to the partnership with ZJSU, as well as the co-established AI institute. She particularly appreciated the positive contribution made by included groups and the faculty, enabling the fast growth witnessed through the development of the institute. The cooperation is anticipated to gain favorable momentum, especially concerning the teacher-student communication, the project exchange, and the learning experience for students.

This visit, playing a vital role in the school-running assessment of the co-established institute, encompasses a wide-ranging and in-depth symposium for the faculty and students, with the assessment experts inside and outside the universities invited. The symposium is designed to collect the actual needs from the faculty and students, then to produce instructions for the high-quality development expected in the next episode. The feedback session includes the experts’ recognition of the 4-year collaboration to develop the Sussex Artificial Intelligence Institute from scratch to readiness, with an accumulation of praiseworthy school-running achievements. They expected further endeavor made in mechanism of the institute, with an aim to make it a Sino-British demonstrative educational brand, and to promote the internationalization of the higher education of both nations.